I booted up my computer and I started up a game, and when I went to type my name in, but nothing came up. So I thought it was a glitch so I restarted and tried again. Still nothing. So I tryed using a notepad. That didn't work either. Does anyone know how to get it to work? If I don't find and answer to this, I'm planning on buying a new harddrive, and transferring some stuff to it then back. But, I have a few games installed and I don't have the iso's so I just have it installed, is it still possible to transfer?


  1. Anonymous10:12

    is it usb or ps/2 keyboard?

  2. Anonymous10:12

    Just go to a friend or neighbor and borrow a KB and plug it in to see if your KB is dead.

    If you can't get one that way -- go to the nearest computer or office store and pick up a spare KB.
    They cost about $9 US -- plug it in and see if it solves your problem -- it always pays to have a spare
    around due to coffe or pop or other garbage.

  3. Anonymous10:13

    Ok it's ps/2, it's not dead because I have tried 2 other keyboards. The lights do come on also.

  4. Anonymous10:13

    Yeah can I delete, F8 works. I haven't tried the mouse replace KB thing because my comp would work at all atm. >.>


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