I have seen a few things I'd like to download that have like 40 parts to it. Is there any software out there that I can use to copy and ...
Protect Your Music/Files
Do u guys know how to add a password for files?I would like to add password and it can't be changed from anyone expect me.
Extracting 3 part files
I'm trying to extract files and can't seem to extract the file. Do I need all 3 files to have it work? And if so how does it work th...
PSP Wireless Internet Connection Problem
first of all i got a new wifi max usb connection for wireless internet for my psp yesterday it was working fine, good connection, untill it ...
how to edit animated gif's in photoshop ?
can anyone tell me how to EDIT a exisintg animated .GIF in Photoshop, n after ediitng when I save it, the animation must b there ! how to do...
keeping files when installing vista
i just want to install the windows Vista but anyways.. my Q. was if there is a way to still keep all my music, Schoolwork, movies, games, fi...
Is it possible to split a Winrar file into Multiple files
I've got a file that i have currently in winrar format and i was wondering if i could split that file up? I only have regular cd's a...
Encoding Wmv to avi/divx 700mb
I am pretty noob at changing and wmv to avi or whatever ... But this time i need to learn cuz my DVD is being gay and doesnt want to play th...
Best Way To Burn DVD
I've always used Nero Vision if I'm wantin to burn a .avi movie to a DVD. It decodes it and then burns it to the DVD. Now not all th...
Need help burning game with qwix1.01
Need help burning game with qwix1.01.Ive extracted my iso file with qwix and am unsure what to do next.
Fast Burning Movies to DVD
I have tried almost every popular software for Burning Movies to DVD, a normal 4.7 GB DVD takes about 2 or more hrs in encoding n burning pr...