Yesterday i bought one 500gb segate harddisk [ SATA ], connected to my motherboard but it was not detected.

I tried changing BIOS settings and there is no listing of my new harddrive.

I took it to my friends house and checked it's working properly in his house. and again i tried installing in my home
got the same result [ not found ].

After installing the hard disk the system took long time to boot. Also checked another 160 gb Sata harddisk of my friend it's working fine.

Also checked the hard disk by connecting various sata cable and slots [ 2 slots to connect sata in my motherboard ].

The Hard disk is getting power, i can feel when i took it in my hand.


  1. Anonymous10:38

    do u have ur CPU overclocked? if so try to lower it a bit..
    that happened to me once cos i overclocked a bit more, but had to go back to the previous OC frequency.

  2. Anonymous10:38

    here's some forums on the subject.


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