I am having a technical issue with my "registered" application of Acronis Workstation. Acronis wants me to create a System Information File (*.NFO);
Open Start\Programs\Accessories\System Tools\System Information; then send it to them.

I took a quick look at that file... It's huge and revealing. I haven't read through it line by line and would prefer not to.

I am curious...

Does anyone know if there is information contained in that system.nfo file that would compromise the security of my pc or my lan? Are there saved passwords contained in that file? S/N for applications. Could it be detemined if ware z is on my machine? are there additional security issues which i might not have mentioned?


  1. Anonymous22:03

    I haven't read through it line by line and would prefer not to

    I don't see how you have much choice, since no two Sys Info files will be exactly the same.

    Are there saved passwords contained in that file? S/N for applications.

    Not to my knowledge.

    Could it be detemined if warez is on my machine?

    Not unless you have a Running Task or Loaded Modules

    It will take 15 minutes to scan the .NFO -- unless you want to take the word of someone that says
    it's OK -- but they really don't know!!!


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