1. Anonymous20:59

    private server yea when ever is loads all the esea servers and private servers load first than public servers start slowly showing up

  2. Anonymous20:59

    ts the private servers fault, they cause many problems

  3. Anonymous20:59

    i think its your ISP i had this problemm once after i installed replayAV and it gave me a error on detecting a network controler then after i couldent even get a one server on my list.. only thing is to install a fresh copy of windows.

  4. Anonymous20:59

    yea i think that might help i might install a new copy

    but is there another way, i am playing on non steam servers but i just have it loadin faster

  5. Anonymous21:00

    try creating a steam account and then istall the software they offer you originally in order to run steam. on your pc..

    there you will have a option on selcting your game and now there you will see a option called a nother serverlist.

    it should load prety quick..

  6. Anonymous21:00

    Well, it costs just 20 bucks and I suppose its fully worth it. You will enjoy it once you have Steam.

  7. Anonymous21:01

    Have you set your server Filter to the correct settings, eg. Country, Game, and put the others on "ALL" also fix your rate settings, to apply good rate/net settings in CS:S you need to do it via consol, the commands are, (rate 25000, cl_cmdrate 100, cl_updaterate 100) and for 1.6 i don't know them. Just google it.


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