1. Anonymous21:04

    you need to buy a flash card, there are hundreds of them out on the market, and some do things the other ones do not.

    pick the one that is good for you, do some research some cards are better then others and you get what you pay for.

    since most people always asks what is the cheapest they can buy, here you go.

    DS Fire Link Cart with 1GB (note the 8g is for gigabit not bytes which equals 1gb)


    Ds fire card cheapest way to go, comes with a usb cable, and is ready to play out of the box,simply plug into your pc and click and drag the .nds roms into it, unlike other flash cards this one has memory built in no need to buy micro sd cards etc...., this card is cheap because it does not support cheat codes (other ones do).

    if you were to give me more info i will gladly help you decide, what is your price range, what type of memory you want built in, micro sd, micro sdhc

    (micro sd go up to 2gb (some 4gb floating around but hard to track down), and micro sdhc goes up to 8gb so there is a big difference).

    the more well known brands are.

    Ez flash
    Super Card

    etc...... pick one that right for you.

    places to shop and compare, these websites sell many flash cards by many brands

  2. Anonymous21:04

    All you need is a flashcard for your DS, try to google R4DS, M3DS Simply, DS xtreme. Look at:

  3. Anonymous21:06

    whatever you do dont get a ds xtreme, its over price junk, and has zero support, they claim the ds xtreme is only for homebrew and if you ask for help on running roms they will ignore you and if you post anything related to running ds roms on their forums its a instant ban, its because of this that many people give away their ds xtreme since when they run into trouble on newer games, they wont get help


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