1. Anonymous20:14

    Maybe use Photoshop to scan with..you get to choose the resolution before scanning...

  2. Anonymous20:15

    Yes , This is what you have to do , Before scanning , there should be settings somewhere of the scanner . There would be an option that says "DPI" . Set it on a 100 . Thats it .

    Also , save it as a jpeg and not BMP

  3. Anonymous20:15

    yeah thats how it should be i tried it and yeah it works good thx guys but i still find one problem the scanner save file as tif or bmp or PNG nothing else no Jpeg and as u know Jpeg is the best extension for pic's

  4. Anonymous20:15

    Decrease the size and quality

  5. Anonymous20:16

    problem solved and i can say that my scanner don't give a jpeg pic's

  6. Anonymous20:16

    That's probably because jpeg's are lossy files. The quality will get worse each time you save it.

    You should save it to Png format, that is a lossless format with decent compression. The file size will be a bit bigger than jpeg but the quality will always stay the same.

    You can easily convert the Png to Jpeg very easily using something like Irfanview.

    Jpeg's are not the best format for pictures. They are only good when file size is important such as when posting to forums. Keep them in Png and convert to Jpeg before uploading.


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