Ok so im buying a new mouse tonight..and I need some help picking one perhaps...My old one is acting up so im buying a new one..it has to be a simple and has to get the job done..I do play some games such as CS1.6 and CS:s from time to time so you could say I need im the gamer type?

So far on my list..




and if you have any other suggestions for better deals as far as quality and price goes..please pick something from the site I already used


  1. Anonymous01:14

    Both are brilliant, if you feel like forking out the extra few dollars for the G5, go ahead.

  2. Anonymous01:15

    A higher DPI mouse like the logitech G5 allows for more precise aiming, and more accurate flick shots as it will not skip as much, I used to use avery bad wireless Microsoft optical mouse and then i got a G5 gaming mouse, that upped my game to an extent then I bought a mouse mat and my game improved significantly.

    Since I got the Logitech G5 I have loved it so much, and the weight thing it has is rather pointless to me, but the laser is very nice and accurate, and it's a 2000dpi mouse, which is awesome for like counterstrike 1.6 and counterstrike source games in the long run.




  3. Anonymous01:15

    I have decided to go with the MX518 due to the colour and the fact that I know a few people who have it and say its good Smile

    Off-topic question..my music volume keeps resetting in the 2nd bar under "wave"..It stays @ whatever I set it to during 1 file such as a movie, but as soon as songs change in my player, it goes back to this old setting thats not on max..I would like it to stay on max in both bars..help?

  4. Anonymous01:16

    Ok I picked up the MX518 once it went into stock at my local store..beautiful mouse I must say..However, it seems like does not left click sometimes (rarely)..and im wondering if its supposed to be like that, or the mouse is not properly configured or if its simply not working properly and I should return it?


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