I'd like to remove the lyrics from Cascada - Every Time We Touch, and can't find an instrumental version. A friend needs that song for a dance she's doing, I personally don't like it myself Laughing

I didn't think it was possible, but technology is evolving so fast it's hard to keep up. Can it be done? I was thinking if maybe seperating the two different 'layers' or whatever, but wouldn't they be flattened before shipping the song?

If anyone has any comments, ideas and info please may you reply. I'll be very greatful!


  1. Anonymous04:03

    BUT, i got a dj friend of mine, and i asked him how to do like what you want to do, he said it's almost impossible, reason being, they play the music one part, and the artist sings the other part, they merge them together, and the finished product is a song. He said there no program that splits the music up, vocals/music.


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